Sven Plitzko from Germany
student in 2017/2018
“The Master in Risk Management at Universitá di Pisa is a challenging program with quantitative coursework. You will develop a deep understanding for financial instruments, relations and links in financial companies and for the market in general. Lectures are held in 2-weeks blocks, in which you will have an exam at the end. The daily workload is quite high and you should already bring a general understanding of financial topics and a quantitative background. Very interesting are the insights in programming languages to evaluate financial instruments and perform financial analysis. In general I can highly recommend this master program for students with interest in the financial market who want a quantitative focus.”
Barbara Fruzzetti, 25 years-old
- student in 2015/2016
- company of traineeship: IKEA Distribution
- present job: Operation Developer, Inter IKEA s.r.l.
She says: “It could seem irrelevance for many of you, but due to the course’s schedule was quite heavy and hard to handle (something that it is helping me now on working environment), it was possible to build up strong relationship between my pears. Now I am in Milan and one of my flatmate was participating at the same master with me”.
Mario Frediani, 28 years-old
- student in 2014/2015
- company of traineeship: Genertel – Generali Group – Trieste
- present job: Risk Analyst presso Pioneer Investments – Milano
He says: “Grazie alle lezioni frequentate al MRM di Pisa posso dire di avere appreso conoscenze circa l’ambito del Risk Management che mi hanno permesso un apprendimento più celere per le mansioni che attualmente svolgo in azienda. Un Master focalizzato nell’ambito Risk Management associato all’Università Pisana ha consentito una discreta appetibilità nel mercato del lavoro in cui molto spesso aziende di ambito finanziario/assicurativo fanno del Risk un dipartimento strategico”.
Adele Bologna, 27 years-old
- student in 2014/2015
- company of traineeship: Fondo Pensione Cometa
- present job: Performance and risk analyst in BNP Paribas
She says: “I choose this master in order to get an in-depth knowledge in credit and market risks measurement. My finance expertise had significantly widened during the program and helped me to land a job in Paris where I am currently working as a performance and risk analyst in BNP Paribas. Today I can say that the master gave me the tools I need every day on my job. I’ve also really enjoyed the dynamism of classes. There were students from other countries, being with has been a rich experience in itself”.
Lorenzo Dello Sbarba, 32 years-old
- student in 2014/2015
- company of traineeship: Banca Akros
- present job: employee at Banca Akros
He says: “Grazie al master ho acquisito gli strumenti e le conoscenze necessarie per inserirmi nel mondo del lavoro in ambito finanziario; inoltre è proprio durante il master che sono venuto in contatto con l’azienda che, dopo avermi offerto uno stage, mi ha assunto”.
Maria Federica D’Anna, 24 years-old
- student in 2015/2016
- company of traineeship: Fondo Pensione Cometa
- present job: Credit Risk Management – Banca Intesasanpaolo S.p.A.
She says: “Il master mi ha aiutato ad aprire gli occhi sul mondo del Risk Management, che è un settore in espansione in Italia e all’Estero. Grazie alle lezioni full-time in Inglese ho potenziato le mie conoscenze linguistiche e la mia capacità di analisi e di sintesi. Inoltre ho avuto la possibilità di incontrare ragazzi e ragazze provenienti da varie parti del mondo. Sicuramente senza questo corso non avrei potuto lavorare nel Risk Management”.
Alberto Brilli, 27 years-old
- student in 2015/2016
- company of traineeship: FidiToscana S.p.A
- present job: Trainee in the Risk Management, Compliance e Antiriciclaggio branch at Italia Com-Fidi S.c.a.r.l
He says: “Il Master mi ha permesso di affacciarmi al modo del lavoro, fornendomi le competenze pratiche necessarie e facendomi entrare in contatto coi professionisti che hanno tenuto corsi in classe. È stato un ponte essenziale tra le nozioni teoriche acquisite in ambito universitario e la praticità del lavoro”.